Archive Tenders

Sr. No. Title Tender Id Refrence No. Details/Download Date of Issue Last date of Submission Due Date Extended Corrigendum
301 inviting quotation for airfreight for 150 kgs category house hold from Delhi to Krakow Poland F. No./Chairs/31/2018 F. No./Chairs/31/2018 Download (English)(175.82 KB) Yes Download (175.82 KB)
302 Tender for Unaccompanied baggage weighting up to 150 kgs Category F. No./Chairs/31/2018 F. No./Chairs/31/2018 Download (English)(323.35 KB) No -
303 Tender for World Sanskrit Award and Distinguished Indologist Award F.No. Awards/ 2019-20 F.No. Awards/ 2019-20 Download (English)(588.1 KB) No -
304 Quotation for sending of books to Regional Office ICCR Kolkata ICCR/F/LIB/2018 ICCR/F/LIB/2018 Download (English)(390.51 KB) Yes Download (28.85 KB)
305 Quotation for sending of books to Regional Office ICCR Kolkata ICCR/F/LIB/2018 ICCR/F/LIB/2018 Download (English)(28.85 KB) Yes Download (28.85 KB)
306 Quotation for sending books to Regional Office Kolkata of Indian Council of Cultural Relations ICCR/F/LIB/2018 ICCR/F/LIB/2018 Download (English)(325.03 KB) Yes Download (28.85 KB)
307 Quotation for sending books to Regional Office Kolkata of Indian Council of Cultural Relations ICCR/F/LIB/2018 ICCR/F/LIB/2018 Download (English)(28.85 KB) Yes Download (28.85 KB)
308 Delhi International Jazz festival from 1 to 3 March 2019 at Nehru Park New Delhi ICD/292/2018-19 ICD/292/2018-19 Download (English)(3.63 MB) Yes Download (250.44 KB)
309 Delhi International Jazz festival from 1 to 3 March 2019 at Nehru Park New Delhi ICD/292/2018-19 ICD/292/2018-19 Download (English)(250.44 KB) Yes Download (250.44 KB)
310 Delhi International Jazz Festival from 1 to 3 March 2019 ICD/292/2018-19 ICD/292/2018-19 Download (English)(3.63 MB) No -
311 Quotation for Sur Jahan World Peace Music Festival ICD/292/2018-19 ICD/292/2018-19 Download (English)(4.52 MB) No -
312 Notice for inviting tender from Delhi to Republic of Korea Seoul 250 kg air freight 2019_ICCR_399182_1 ICCR/BS/47/2018-19 Download (English)(500.26 KB) No -
313 Tender inviting for Airfreight handling agency charges towards consignment upto 250 KGS from Delhi to CGI Erbil Iraq 2019_ICCR_399168_1 ICCR/B AND S/69/2018-19 Download (English)(488.76 KB) No -
314 Notice for inviting tender 250 kg air freight from Delhi to Zoo 2019_ICCR_399168_1 ICCR/B AND S/69/2018-19 Download (English)(514.59 KB) No -
315 Tender inviting for Aircargo upto 250 KGs from Delhi to ROK Seoul agency charges 2019_ICCR_399182_1 ICCR/BS/47/2018-19 Download (English)(448.91 KB) No -
316 Quotation for Designing and printing of Brochure of Ganga at PBD 2019 at Varanasi 2018_ICCR_398712_1 ICD/292/2018-19 Download (English)(338.59 KB) No -
317 Tender inviting for Transport of baggage weighting upto 100 Kgs by Air for sector New Delhi to Lausanne Switzerland 2019_ICCR_397026_1 Ch/Hindi-23/2018-19 Download (English)(318.45 KB) No -
318 Airfreight of unaccompanied baggage weighing upto 375by560 KGS for the sector Delhi Sofia and Bareilly Ankara 2019_ICCR_397045_1 ICC/TIC/2018-19 Download (English)(520.45 KB) No -
319 Transport of unaccompanied baggage weighing upto 560 KGS by Air for the sector Kolkata India to Port Louis Mauritius 2019_ICCR_396970_1 Ch/Hindi/2018-19 Download (English)(361.11 KB) No -