Annapurna Certificate General Terms & Condition

General Terms and Conditions

  1. There shall be one Certificate for the winner. In case of more than one winner, each will be issued a separate certificate. Along with the Certificate, the winner will also be given a Plaque.

  2. Restaurants operating abroad shall be eligible for the Certificate. The restaurants should have made an outstanding contribution to the promotion of authentic Indian Cuisine, among local community members.

  3. The restaurant should have been in operation for at least five years.

  4. The Competition is open to all Indian restaurants abroad (fine dining or all day dining) regardless of nationality of the owner. An association or organization shall not be eligible for participation.

  5. The restaurant must follow a high level of compliance with the food hygiene and safety norms and local rules and regulations.

  6. Eligible Restaurants shall submit their application in the duly filled in prescribed form to the Indian Mission/Post within the time limit prescribed for the purpose. Indian Missions abroad after due scrutiny and evaluation of the information provided by the applicant restaurants will forward the best applications to ICCR by the prescribed last date.

  7. The final selection for the Certificate shall be made by a Jury to be appointed by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations for this purpose.

  8. However, if in the opinion of competent authority of ICCR, a prior scrutiny of the applications received is required, a scrutinizing committee to be appointed by ICCR shall review the applications and submit scrutinized applications for consideration of Jury.

  9. The Certificate will be given on an annual basis.