ICCR Scholarship - Frequently Asked Questions
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Where and how should I apply for ICCR scholarships?
Interested applicant should register and apply on "A2A ICCR Scholarship portal (https://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in)" and submit their applications through the Indian Embassy in their country.
Can I apply from any other location than my country?
Since the applications are to be filled online, you can apply on the A2A ICCR Scholarship portal from any other location than your country. However, the online applications will have to be submitted on the said portal only through the Indian Embassy in your country.
Will my application be accepted in hard copy or by Post?
No, only online applications will be accepted.
How can I submit my online application? Do I need the user ID and password to apply?
You have to check the option "Student's registration" on the home page of A2A ICCR Scholarship Portal. On filling the fields at the time of registration you will get a Unique User ID and Password for applying online. This user ID and Password will be communicated to you on your email. Using the User ID and Password you can access the application form and fill the same. Kindly fill the application as per instructions and click "Save" button after filling each page and then go to the next page. Once you complete the process you may press the "Submit" button. On its successful submission you will get a registration number, which can be used for further reference.
Can I make changes once I have completed and submitted my application?
No it’s not possible to make any changes once your application is finally submitted. However, in case of any major discrepancy, applicant may contact Indian Mission in this regard.
Is submission of application a guarantee of my admission?
No, submission of application is not a guarantee of your admission, as your admission is decided by the University on the basis of your credentials and as per their own eligibility criteria. Indian Mission and ICCR have no role in admission process and confirmation of admission is also non-transferable.
Can I select the University/Institution of my choices?
Yes, you can apply for five options. However, the admission is subject to meeting the criteria of the concerned university.
Is ICCR scholarship also available for Medical courses?
No, ICCR does not offer scholarships for courses for courses in medicine stream.
What kind of Visa is required for studying in India?
The applicants seeking admission in Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses have to apply for "Student Visa". Those seeking admissions for Ph.D. courses have to apply for "Research Visa". Once the applicant’s admission is confirmed, applicant has to apply for right category of visa for the courses mentioned above. In case of incorrect visa endorsed, the applicant may be repatriated to his/her country to seek a correct category of visa.
What’s kind of Certificates/Testimonials are required to be carried along with at the time of admission?
The applicant has to carry following documents in English and in Original for verification by the concerned University authorities.
i. Mark Sheets
ii. Birth certificate
iii. School leaving Certificate
iv. Nationality certificate
v. D card provided by your Government
vi. Passport
i. Mark Sheets
ii. Birth certificate
iii. School leaving Certificate
iv. Nationality certificate
v. D card provided by your Government
vi. Passport
Can I apply in any Universities/Institutions in India?
ICCR scholarships are meant for admissions only in the Indian State/Central universities/Institutes or colleges affiliated to and recognized by the Indian State and Central Universities. The list of such Universities/Institutes, empanelled with ICCR, is available on the Portal.
What’s kind of Programs are available?
Indian Universities offer courses at Under Graduate (UG), Post Graduate (PG) and Ph.D. (Doctorate of Philosophy) level. You can apply for UG, PG, Ph.D. based on your eligibility.
Can I join after the last date/deadline of joining my course?
Applicants may join his/her course preferably one or two days before the final date of joining. If the student is not able to join before the University deadline, his/her admission would be considered cancelled.
I want to apply for Ph.D. course. Is an interview required for admission?
It depends on the concerned University. Some Universities may take an interview before finally selecting the candidates, hence the applicant should be prepared for the same.
What formalities are required on arrival in India and how do I get my scholarship dues?
After completing his/her admission formalities, the student should ensure registration with local Foreign Regional Registration Office (FRRO) within two weeks of arrival in India. After the registration with FRRO he/she should obtain the Residential Permit within 90 days. Students will have to open an account with bank for which bank opening form and a letter from ICCR's Zonal/Sub Zonal Office/University concerned would be required recommending immediate opening of bank account at the nearest branch of State Bank of India. Students should carry with them passport-size photographs for opening the bank account. It is important to note that student will not be paid any money in cash or otherwise till the bank account is opened. Therefore student must carry minimum money as advised above to meet initial expenditure. Three months advance stipend/scholarship through direct bank transfer will be released once bank account is opened and registered with ICCR.
What is the detail of scholarship amount?
Please refer to Financial Terms and conditions for scholarship on the A2A Portal.
Whom should I contact in case of emergency?
You can contact the College authorities, International Students’ Advisor and ICCR"s Zonal Office. Depending on the nature of emergency if required you can contact the local police in the city where you are studying and Scholarship Officer at ICCR HQs at Delhi.
Can I apply for a programme other than listed?
No, only enlisted programmes are on offer.
Can I stay in India after my course is finished?
No, you have to leave India after receiving your provisional marksheets/certificates before expiry of your Residential Permit.
Can I work in India during my study?
No, you are not allowed to work in India while studying under ICCR scholarship.
Do I need a Passport?
Yes, you must have a valid passport, issued by the relevant authorities of your government.
Do I need Immunization?
Immunization requirements vary from country to country. Please check with your local authorities or Indian Mission for information on this subject.
Can I study double courses during my stay in India?
Under ICCR Scholarship programme you can pursue only one course to which you are admitted.
What are the academic requirements at the time of joining an Under-Graduate course?
Student should have passed the 12th standard for joining the Under-Graduate course.
Is the degree awarded by Indian University/Institution recognized?
The degree is awarded by the University. Before applying for a particular University, you are advised to check with the Qualifications Assessment Department in your country for equivalence of degree awarded in India vis-Ã -vis your country.
Can I take a print-out of my application at any stage?
Yes, you can.
Am I entitled for an air-ticket in this scholarship?
There are schemes, which have provision for to and fro air-ticket. However, all schemes do not have this provision. In such cases students have to pay for their own air passage. Schemes are based on the countries and type of course. For further clarification, you may go through ICCR manual which is available on ICCR website.
Will I require to carry some money with me on arrival in India?
Yes, you are advised to carry money on arrival in India, which should be in currency that can be exchanged into Indian Rupees. This will be of help till you receive advance stipend to meet any incidental expenses and join the University.
Where can I exchange money on arrival in India?
On arrival in India, you can exchange money at the airports, where you have landed.
What challenges should I expect to face?
Many students who leave their country, especially those leaving the country for the first time and those who are leaving at younger ages (coming straight from school for undergraduate courses) may encounter homesickness or loneliness and language barriers. Indians believe in "Athiti Devo Bhava" philosophy which means "Guests are like God" and treat foreigners with respect. However, of the many initial experiences, when one is dealing with a new culture for the first time, culture shock could be also one of experiences that foreign students might face. India and Indians have a lot to offer to you. Wish you the best. Good luck!
Is it required that a proficiency level in English is mandatory for studying in Indian Universities?
Yes, Since the medium of studying in Indian Universities is English, students from abroad are required to be sufficiently proficient in English Language to properly clear the academic lecture etc.