Archive Tenders

Sr. No. Title Tender Id Refrence No. Details/Download Date of Issue Last date of Submission Due Date Extended Corrigendum
321 Tender inviting for Transport of baggage weighting upto 100 Kgs by Air for sector New Delhi to Lausanne Switzerland 2019_ICCR_397026_1 Ch/Hindi-23/2018-19 Download (English)(318.45 KB) No -
322 Airfreight of unaccompanied baggage weighing upto 375by560 KGS for the sector Delhi Sofia and Bareilly Ankara 2019_ICCR_397045_1 ICC/TIC/2018-19 Download (English)(520.45 KB) No -
323 Transport of unaccompanied baggage weighing upto 560 KGS by Air for the sector Kolkata India to Port Louis Mauritius 2019_ICCR_396970_1 Ch/Hindi/2018-19 Download (English)(361.11 KB) No -