Deputy Director General ICCR (Scholarship) Division
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Address |
1 |
Ms. Manisha Swami |
Dy. Director General |
ddgsch.iccr[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in |
+91-11-23370649, Extn-3372 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
Scholarship Section (All matters related to Scholarship Programme, Welfare of Students, operational aspects of A2A/Gyan Setu/Alumni portals, Fellowship programmes, Alumni interaction)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Address |
2 |
Shri Manoj Kumar |
Senior Programme Director |
spdscholarship[dot]iccr[at]gov[dot]in |
+91-11-23379309 Extn. 3313 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
3 |
Shri Kailash Chand |
Programme Director |
pdafg[dot]iccr[at]nic[dot]in, afghsection[dot]iccr[at]nic[dot]in |
+91-11-23379309/10, Extn.3395 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
4 |
Smt. Hemlata Bansal |
Programme Director |
poisd1[dot]iccr[at]nic[dot]in |
+91-11-23379309, Extn.1136 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
5 |
Shri Deep Kumar |
Programme Officer |
poafghan[dot]iccr[at]nic[dot]in |
+91-11-23379309/10, Extn. 3358 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
6 |
Smt. Kavita Mittal |
Programme Officer |
isd2section[dot]iccr[at]nic[dot]in |
+91-11-23379309/10, Extn - 1140 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
Media Section (All works related to Media Management (Social Media, multi-media, etc., ICCR Newsletter), Digital Picture/Video archive.)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Address |
7 |
Shri Suraj Kumar |
Programme Officer |
po-egit[at]iccr[dot]gov[dot]in, po-media[at]iccr[dot]gov[dot]in |
+91-11-23379309/10, Extn. 3399 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
Hindi, Library & Publication Section (All matters related to promotion of Hindi, Publications (including Annual Report & Gagananchal), Library)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Address |
8 |
Shri Ashok Jajoria |
Senior Programme Director |
pdlib[dot]iccr[at]nic[dot]in |
+91-11-23379309/10, Extn. 3325 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
9 |
Smt. Kunwari Tiga |
Programme Director |
pohindi[dot]iccr[at]nic[dot]in |
+91-11-23370237, Extn. 2256 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
10 |
Shri Raju Lal Meena |
Programme Director |
rlmeena[at]iccr[dot]gov[dot]in |
+91-11-23379309/10, Extn. 1138 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |
Agreement & Exchanges (All matters related to MoUs with State Governments, CEPs, EEPs, JCMs, JWG, FCCs & FOCs)
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Address |
11 |
Smt. Dimple Gambhir |
Programme Director |
pd-agreementexchange[at]iccr[dot]gov[dot]in |
+91-11-23370249, Extn. 2262 |
ICCR Azad Bhawan |