Guidelines for Outgoing Visitors Programme

Indian Council for Cultural Relations


(Travel Assistance)


  1. The proposals for travel assistance should be received at least 3 months before the event. Any application received after the last date will not be considered for any reason.

    Last Date for receipt of application Dates of proposed Visit
    31 December of the preceding year 1 April – 30 June
    31 March 1 July - 30 September
    30 June 1 October – 31 December
    30 September 1 January – 31 March
  2. The applicant should submit a two pages (maximum) note to justify the following points at the time of applying for travel assistance :-

    1. How the participation of the visitor will benefit ICCR in accomplishing its institutional mission of enhancing global cultural relations.
    2. How the participation of the visitor will benefit India’s interests in the country concerned.
    3. How the participation of the visitor will benefit his/her artistic/professional growth.
    4. Listing a few concrete objectives/ outcome of the visit
  3. The application for travel grant, should be complete in all respects including two passport size photographs, copies of all supporting documents including invitation of the host organization, details of the host organization, professional experience details of the applicant, recommendation letter from the Indian Embassy or ICCR's Zonal Offices (if available) as well as the aforementioned note (indicated in S.N.2) etc. For outgoing visits of artists (for performance abroad) or exhibitions (for exhibitions abroad) It should be sent by email to OCD Section at spdocd[dot]iccr[at]gov[dot]in. For outgoing visits of experts / distinguished persons proposing to visit abroad for conferences/seminars/events, etc., in the area of culture, the proposal should be sent by email to Conference & Seminar Section at spdcs[dot]iccr[at]gov[dot]in and for all other outgoing visitors in the area of culture (not falling in the aforementioned categories it should be sent by email to Visitors Programme Section at spd-dvp[at]iccr[dot]gov[dot]in and copied to po-dvpavp[at]iccr[dot]gov[dot]in
  4. The request of the participant will be evaluated on the basis of his/her credentials, field of expertise, theme of the project, credentials of the host organization and its willingness to acknowledge/publicize the support of ICCR.
  5. The travel grant is meant to be used for promoting cultural exchanges and mutual understanding with partner countries in cultural sphere and is not granted for attending academic conferences.
  6. Only Indian citizens can apply for ICCR's travel grant to visit abroad
  7. In case any person working with the Govt of India, State Govt, PSUs, State Universities, other Govt bodies or organizations wish to apply for availing ICCR's travel grant to participate in events/activities abroad in the field of culture, a no objection letter {from the parent ministry / department where the person is working) for availing ICCR's travel grant to visit abroad will need to be submitted.
  8. Organizations/NGOs supporting the travel grant applications of individuals should attach the documents related to their registration and its continuation with the concerned Central/State Authorities and other details e.g. date of registration, GST Number, Balance Sheet and an undertaking that it does not have any outstanding settlement of accounts/utilization certificate with any of the Government Department/Agencies
  9. The proposals may come through Indian Embassy / High Commission, ICCR Zonal Office/Sub Zonal Offices or directly by the applicants. Applications that are recommended by Indian Missions/ICCR Zonal Offices may be accorded due priority.
  10. Proposals will be forwarded to the concerned Indian Mission for its recommendations and their views sought specifically on the points mentioned at S.N. 2 above. Proposals recommended by Mission may be further considered taking into account the importance of the event/festival/exhibition credentials of the host institution/ organization, whether the participation of the applicant would be able to uphold Indian interest abroad etc., for approval of travel assistance.
  11. Applicant should have a valid passport at least for six months from the date of his/her proposed travel for the event/festival/conference/seminar/exhibition.
  12. If approved, one-time economy class international return airfare for one sector only (from the nearest airport in India to the nearest airport of the event in other country on direct possible route) will be provided by ICCR.
  13. Any other expenditure like lodging, boarding, passport, visa, local travel etc. will have to borne by either the visitor or event organizer. Applicant must submit documents in support of source for meeting expenses other than air-ticket.
  14. There will be a 3 years cooling off period before another application for travel assistance from the same beneficiary is considered.
  15. The proposals may be processed by the concerned Sections of ICCR depending upon the type of event. For visits of artists and exhibitions, it is processed by the Outgoing Cultural Delegations (OCD) Section, while for visits of experts for conferences/seminars etc., it is handled by Conferences Section, and for other outgoing visits (not falling in the above categories) it is processed by the Visitors Programme Section. The application may be examined by a Committee constituted for the purpose and subsequently considered by the Competent Authority of ICCR upon the recommendation of the Committee.
  16. The beneficiary will be required to submit a detailed report of his/her visit within one month after the visit along with some relevant photographs, statement of expenditure including original boarding passes, failing which the applicant will not be considered for any assistance in future.
  17. The person who has been granted Travel Assistance by ICCR should ensure that ICCR is given due acknowledgement for its support for his/her participation by way of including a brief write-up in the publicity material.
  18. Provision of Travel assistance will be purely at the discretion of ICCR for participation in any event/conferences keeping in view ICCR’s overall mandate, nature of the event, background/profile of applicant(s), budgetary constraints etc. DG, ICCR's decision in this regard will be final.
  19. ICCR reserves its right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.